Tenants' Forum Update

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There was a great turnout at our July Tenants’ Forum when the heavy rain didn’t deter everyone coming along to hear about the Edinburgh Tenants Federation. We were very pleased to have a roomful of people along to meet ETA Development Officer Shona Agnew who explained the role of the Tenants Federation, and the work they carry out on behalf of tenants. The Forum also discussed Prospect’s draft AntiSocial Behaviour Policy, and members made some excellent suggestions for improvements.

Prospect’s Tenants’ Forum is open to all our tenants, and everyone is welcome. Transport and refreshments are provided. The next meeting for the Tenants’ Forum is Tuesday 17th September at 4.30PM at Prospect’s office. If you would like to come along, please contact Catherine Louch by email catherine.louch@prospectch.org.uk, or phone 0131 458 5480.

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Prospect Community Housing
6 Westburn Ave,
Wester Hailes,
EH14 2TH