Become a tenant

This is how to apply for a property with Prospect.

Prospect operates a Choice lettings scheme, with available properties being advertised each week.

Downsizing- Diane

Step 1 – Register with EdIndex

If you want to be considered for a Prospect property, first you need to be registered with EdIndex, Edinburgh's common housing register. This involves completing an EdIndex application form. Prospect has forms available at our office, or you can get one from any City of Edinburgh Council or Housing Association office or print one from the Key to Choice website.

Once you have received your registration number you can start bidding.

Step 2 – Bid for available properties

Details of vacancies are advertised on the Key to Choice website where you can also submit your bids online.

You need to find out if you are in the starter or mover category, as this will let you know what properties you can bid for. Information on these categories can be found on the Key to Choice website. Before making bids, please read the advert carefully to make sure that you are eligible for the vacancy.

Bids must be received by 3.30pm each Friday.

Step 3 – Outcome

We will contact you if your bid has been successful. This will normally be towards the end of the week following the closing date for bids. Due to the number of bids that we get for each property, we are unable to contact those who have not been successful.

Additional information

Additional information about Choice can be found on the Key to Choice website.  For more information about how we allocate our properties, have a look at our Lettings Plan 2022 - 2023.

If you are interested in downsizing to a smaller property, please contact us.  

If you are interested in a mutual exchange, contact us or find out more here.


Get in touch

Prospect Community Housing
6 Westburn Ave,
Wester Hailes,
EH14 2TH