Great Idea!

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The Community Clear Ups have been very successful, with lots of our tenants telling us what a great idea they are! Building on what worked well last year we held a clear up session in each of our neighbourhoods, offering access to skips for unwanted items, and help from staff to take items to the skips where needed. We used feedback from last year to give a longer notice period of when the skips would be in place. And tenants not able to be there on the day were able to leave their items on the kerbside to be picked up. Several bicycles brought to the skips were also donated to SCOREscotland to be mended and then distributed to local families. At each clear up the skips were filled with unwanted items and rubbish, leaving homes, gardens and stairs cleaner and safer as a result.

 Lots of our staff came out to help, and we also had great volunteer support at some of the clear ups from Napier University, and Currie and Brown. But our biggest thanks must go to the many tenants who came out to help with litter picking, moving items, helping each other and us to fill the skips. We would not have been able to achieve as much as we did without everyone pitching in. We also want to thank tenants for all their helpful feedback ,both last year and during this round of clear ups. Your comments and suggestions really help shape how we manage and deliver the clear ups.

"it was a great help and a big thanks to all the helpers that volunteers that helped I'm disabled and I couldn't use this service with out there help so thank you again"

 "Please held a clear up our street again. It's so great to help as to declutter our houses and keep clean our streets"

 "It's an excellent idea. It really helps with people who have trouble getting rid of items on a large size or in bulk. And helps keep our street nice n clean."

 "With working long hours it was wonderful to put our unwanted items outside and them to be picked up"

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Prospect Community Housing
6 Westburn Ave,
Wester Hailes,
EH14 2TH