New Committee Members

Prospect august 2022 003 (1) detail

We’re delighted to welcome two new Committee members, Nikki Ross and Jeremy Hewer. After a successful recruitment campaign, we’re very pleased to have appointed two people who both have a strong housing background and an understanding of the issues faced by our tenants.

Nikki Ross
"My background is in housing management, having worked in Housing Associations for 23+ years. I have hands on experience of the challenges facing our tenants, communities and the housing association sector in Scotland. With my operational experience, it gives me a solid grounding in all aspects of practice and legislation relating to housing management, welfare benefits and tenancy support.  I obtained a MA (Hons) in social policy, so I have a good understanding of the challenges facing the communities in which we live and work."

Jeremy Hewer
"I am a retired housing professional with over 30 years’ experience of working for local authorities, housing associations in England and Scotland and working for the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, where I led the response of the sector to changes to social security being implemented by the UK and Scottish Governments. What I hope I can bring is an understanding of the environment in which Prospect operates and the challenges it and other associations in Scotland have to face."

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Prospect Community Housing
6 Westburn Ave,
Wester Hailes,
EH14 2TH