Art Competition Winner!

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Congratulations to Adam Rydelin who won the Sheila Bunt Community Award 2024 for his entry to our Art Competition. We asked tenants to send us artwork on any topic they wanted, and in any medium. There were some great entries, and a wonderful variety of images and types of art. We awarded first prize to Adam for his colourful painting of a campervan because we loved how summery and vibrant it was. Richard Taylor was our runner up for his impressive design that included our name. Everyone who entered received a set of artists pencils.

 All the pictures are now in our community room, and we launched the exhibition last week with an event for all the tenants who entered. The exhibition has injected some colour and life into our community room and we love seeing all the pictures there!

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Prospect Community Housing
6 Westburn Ave,
Wester Hailes,
EH14 2TH