Prospect's Performance Summary

Prospect august 2022 003 (1) detail

We're keen to share Prospect's performance on our services with our tenants and have a new report that summarises how we have been doing. We’ve worked with the Prospect Tenants’ Forum to develop the report which will summarise what Prospect has been doing over the last 3 months. The Tenants’ Forum agreed what areas would be of interest and gave Prospect staff suggestions on how we should publish this information, so it is easy to understand.  They also suggested that once every 3 months was about right in terms of sharing this information.  Finally, we all agreed that we would share this information on our website and social media and send out a text to everyone to let them know about it.

You can see the first of these short reports here. If you have any comments, feedback or questions about the information on the Prospect Performance Report please contact Catherine Louch, If you're interested in getting involved with Prospect' Tenants' Forum, let us know.  The next meeting is on Tuesday 9 July at 4.30pm at Prospect's Office, transport available and food will be provided.

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Prospect Community Housing
6 Westburn Ave,
Wester Hailes,
EH14 2TH